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The Research Valley Innovation Center (RVIC) operates under the umbrella of The Research Valley Partnership, Inc. (The RVP) which provides support services.  For more information on The RVP's Innovation Economic Development initiative, visit their website at www.rearchvalley.org or contact Chuck Martinez, VP of Innovation Services at cmartinez@researchvalley.org.

The RVIC Team:

ChuckChuck Martinez, VP of Innovation Services

[email protected]  

James LancasterJames Lancaster, RVIC Acting General Manager

j[email protected]

PingPing Zhou, Director of Innovation Services 

[email protected]



  1. https://tncbf.org/
  2. https://ifa2020.org/
  3. https://www.hopepartnershipforeducation.org/
  4. https://www.bencomo.org/
  5. https://rvic.org/
  6. https://ladiosabuenosaires.com/
  7. https://www.veteranstee.org/
  8. https://www.bathconsultancygroup.com/
  9. https://climateinternational.org/
  10. https://www.tadmc.org/
  11. https://www.innvision.org/
  12. https://www.annatxpolice.org/
  13. https://www.eccsit.org/
  14. https://www.utexasgsa.org/
  15. https://www.la-boissaude.com/
  16. https://www.runnertriathletenews.com/
  17. https://www.lesfilmsbiographiques.com/
  18. https://lancasterneuroscience.com/
  19. https://www.shepherdoftheridge.org/
  20. https://www.musindioufu.org/